Favorite Links
Applique Patterns:
The Picket Fence: http://www.appliquedesigns.com
Whistle Pig Creek : http://www.wpcreek.com
Fairfield Processing: http://www.poly-fil.com
Fire Mountain Gems: http://www.firemountaingems.com
Jenny Raymond: http://www.jennyraymond.com Talented Designer/ Instructor/Quilt and Wearable artist.
Jane Dunnewold: http://www.complexcloth.com Designer/Artist/Instructor in exquisite art cloth.
Linda Brooks Hirschman: http://www.lindabrookshirschman.com (Felted textile artist/instructor)
Dyes and Paints:
Things Japanese: http://www.silkthings.com (also silk thread)
Pro-Chem: http://www.prochemical.com
Darhma Trading: http://www.dharhmatrading.com
Embroidery Designs, Stabilizers, Thread
Oklahoma Embroidery Supply and Design (OESD): http://www.embroideryonline.com
Embroidery Designs:
Zundt Designs: http://www.zundtdesign.com
Your local Bernina dealer
The Sewing Studio - Maitland, FL (Orlando, FL area): This is a wonderful fabric store with a wide selection of high quality and hard-to-find unusual fabrics and notions: http://www.sewing.net
Denver Fabrics: http://www.denverfabric.com
Free Spirit Fabrics: http://www.freespiritfabric.com
Thai Silks: http://thaisilks.com
Cherrywood Fabrics: http://www.fabrics.com
Silk Road: http://www.srfabrics.com
Super Silk, Inc.: http://www.supersilk.com
Fiber (wool and silk rovings for needle punch)
Meinke Toy: http://www.meinketoy.com
Prarie Fibers: http://www.prairiefibers.com
Outback Fibers: http://www.outbackfibers.com
Silk from the Mannings: http://www.the_mannings.com
Aurora Silk: http://www.aurorasilk.com
Park Bench Patterns: http://www.parkbenchpatterns.com
Indygo Junction: http://www.indygojunctioninc.com
Loes Hinse Design: http://www.loeshinsedesign.com
Lorraine Torrence Designs: http://www.lorrainetorrence.com
Kandi Corp: http://www.kandicorp.com
Creative Crystals: http://www.creative-crystals.com
YLI Corp.: http://www.ylicorp.com
Bernina of America, Inc. sewing machine company: http://www.berninausa.com
Quilts, Inc.: http://www.quilts.com
QuiltArt: http://www.quiltart.com